KARACHI: Directorate General of Transit Trade announced on Monday that online access has been given to Afghan commerce ministry for verification of Jawaznama and user ID’s to Afghan national for trade of goods to and from Afghanistan.
Muhammad Ibrahim Vighio, Director, DG Transit Trade issued an Office Order stating that copy of Jawaznama duly verified by Afghan Consulate is required for processing of Afghan Transit Goods declaration.
Jawaznam is defined in the Customs Rules as a license issued by Ministry of Commerce, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to its nationals for trade of goods to and from Afghanistan.
The order said that processing of Afghan transit goods declaration has been automated and Afghan ministry of commerce has been provided access to customs computerized system WeBOC for verification of Jawaznama and issuance of user ID’s to Afghan nationals for trade of goods to and from Afghanistan.
“Requisite WeBOC software has been provided to Afghan focal person nominated by Ministry of Commerce Afghanistan and implemented successfully. Now ministry of commerce Afghanistan has started issuing user ID’s after issuance of Jawaznama,” the order said.
Since requisite particulars of Jawaznama are being directly fed in the WeBOC system by ministry of commerce, Afghanistan, copy of Jawaznama duly verified by Afghan consulate for processing of GD’s is no more required to be submitted for processing purpose.
Afghan commerce ministry to verify Jawaznama through WeBOC